My First Blog

ethans-photo-225x300Today I am writing my first blog.  It is also my youngest son Dillon’s 18th birthday.  He is the same age as our oldest son, Ryan, who passed away from Sudden Cardiac Arrest  (SCA) 5 years and almost 6 months ago today.  There is not a day that goes by that I do not talk with Ryan, thank him for giving us those very precious 18 years, and ask him for guidance in helping us to save other teens that may have SCA.  It is his powerful presence that ultimately inspired our foundation.  He is here, he is vocal, and he is inspiring our every move as he holds our hand.

My intention for blogging is to spread the word of Sudden Cardiac Arrest. (SCA).  In this first blog, I want to share the story of Ethan Tourtellotte, one of Dillon’s best friends who lives in our community of Hayden Village. He is one of the fortunate teens to have been screened.

Here is his story:

During the summer of 2013 before entering my junior year at Fairfax High School, I attended one of the first free EKG screenings in Fairfax County hosted by The Ryan Lopynski Big Heart Foundation.  I wanted to support my neighbor and one of my best friend’s, Dillon Lopynski, as well as his family’s mission.  The cardiologist at the event discovered an abnormality from my EKG results. After my follow-up appointment, it was discovered that I had Wolf-Parkinson-White (WPW) Syndrome, a potentially fatal heart condition with no symptoms. I was then referred to the Children’s National Medical Center for my surgery. It was a five-hour procedure that corrected my heart condition. Now I can live life to its fullest as I continue to play Varsity Football.  I feel blessed to be alive, thanks to The Ryan Lopynski Big Heart Foundation!