A poem for you to heal my heart… Happy Angel Birthday 7 my sweet Rye

ryan and me

7 years ago, my heart still broken

finding comfort in faith and words unspoken

On April 26, 2009 you never fully left me Rye

Our souls connected on that day I had to say goodbye


As hard as it’s been to make sense of it all

You’ve held my hand lifting me up as I fall

You always whisper beautiful words in my ears

Then I smile and look to the heaven with tears


Your words encourage me to understand

That you left me at 18 as part of a plan

We hold onto memories we share from our heart

But the greatest gift you gave me sets us apart


It’s the gift of PURPOSE that has given me hope

A reason to embrace life and teach me to cope

Our foundation provided me strength and renewed passion in me

A new lens into our world with possibilities I can now see


To find PURPOSE is far bigger than ourselves I now know

It is part of life’s journey helping our family to grow

I am grateful to unravel my greatest gift ever

As I continue to honor you with this critical endeavor


With heavy heart and endless love on this angel year 7

Keep holding my hand Riley Roo…until we meet again in heaven.